Indian market access delegation
Sep 19, 2023

Indian market access delegation

Sep 19, 2023
Indian market access delegation

A 50 strong business delegation recently accompanied Minister O’Connor to New Delhi with the aim of strengthening relationships for the next phase of trade and export growth.  

The Indian market, and more specifically our plans to recommence and grow trade, plays an important role for New Zealand log exports. As such the New Zealand Forest Owners Association (NZFOA) and Phytos were represented by Matt Hill (Executive Officer – Phytos) as part of the delegation and provided a valuable insight for future forestry specific trade delegations.

As you will be aware, MPI, Phytos and the NZFOA hosted a very successful Indian market access delegation earlier this year. Following related government to government meetings, Phytos has been working with MPI on a recommencement plan for the trade of bulk log exports to India. The recommencement plan includes three phytosanitary work streams; Methyl bromide on arrival, a systems approach (using Phosphine) and EDN.

The timing of the Ministers visit and delegation (organised by the Indian New Zealand Business Council) coincided with NZ’s proposal to extend the timeframe for the methyl bromide on arrival option and NZ’s proposal for a systems approach for managing pest risks on log exports to India. The outcome of the Minister’s bilateral meeting was very positive with Indian officials agreeing to extend the use of Methyl bromide on arrival (through to October 31) and accepting the systems approach proposal for review.

Throughout the delegation log exports and the awareness of the issues and solutions to the recommencement of trade were well understood. This clarity demonstrates the good working relationship that exists between NZFOA, Phytos and MPI/Mfat.  

For further information on the Ministers visit and delegation please refer to the below and/or feel free to get in touch with Matt Hill, Phytos:  021 194 5565.

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