
On behalf of its members and wider stakeholders, the Phytos Board brings together significant governance and industry experience to provide professional oversight over the organisation's overall performance.

The organisation's Constitution was most recently ratified in April 2023. Members include forest owners and log exporters. Phytos also advocates for and communicates with a wider stakeholder group including ports, phytosanitary treatment providers, research providers, government and a range of other organisations and individuals with an interest in phytosanitary solutions for sustainable wood fibre.

Board and Leadership

Don Hammond

Independent Chair

Don is a New Zealand Institute of Forestry Registered Forestry Consultant with over 40 years forest industry experience in most aspects of natural and commercial forest management. Don holds a number of directorships.

Hazel Honour

Board Member

Hazel is a Manager of Operations and Investment Analytics at New Forests with primary oversight of their South Island forest assets. She is a New Zealand Institute of Forestry Registered Forestry Consultant with a background in supply chain and forest management. She is an elected member of the board representing New Zealand Forest Owners who export.

Brendan Gould

Board Member

Brendan is a Biosecurity Manager for the New Zealand Forest Owners Association. Prior to that he was employed by the Ministry for Primary Industries managing MPI’s biosecurity surveillance and incursion investigation functions.

Kerry Ellem

Board Member

Kerry is the CEO of AVA Timber and brings considerable experience in forest management, wood products processing and International wood fibre marketing along with extensive governance experience.

Mark Procter

Board Member

Mark works for TPT Forests Ltd servicing a range of clients. Mark brings expertise in marketing, shipping, and operations. TPT provides services to forest owners and managers throughout New Zealand exporting to Pacific Rim log and lumber markets.

John Gardner

Board Member

John is employed by Pacific Forest Products Limited. Pacific Forest Products trades logs, and provides marketing and export services out of New Zealand, Australia and South America into India and Asia Pacific markets.​

Matt Hill

Executive Officer / Research Director

Matt has over 25 years of senior management and governance experience predominantly within New Zealand’s primary, biosecurity, importing and exporting sectors. Matt holds a Bachelor of Forestry Science, a Bachelor of Commerce and a number of directorships. 

Membership image


Individuals and organisations actively involved in phytosanitary solutions for sustainable wood fibre are welcome to apply to become Phytos members.

Membership is open to levy paying log exporters and the following related entities:

  • all Forest Owners Association members
  • the Farm Forestry Association
  • the Maori Forestry Association
  • other Forest owners by invitation 

Our Constitution

Learn more about our operating principles, structure and processes.